Future Finance Group

Sector: Financial Services

Client: Amie Tennant, director, Future Finance Group

Notable Service: Professionally Social Training program focused on female leaders

“The best training we have ever done.”

MPA: You were already active on social media before starting this program. Did you learn anything new?

Amie Tennant: Yes, I learnt heaps of new things about social. I was always very active in the Facebook/Instagram world, but I hadn’t spent a lot of time on the more corporate/ professional social platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn, so it gave me a completely different perspective. I also learnt how to be engaging in a more professional manner and when to share and put my own personal touches on posts and information to make it more relevant and interesting to my audience.

MPA: How did this experience change your outlook on the influence you can have in the industry?

AT: I’ve been in finance for 12 years and a mortgage broker for 10 years. I got into finance when I was 20 years old. I’ve always had male mentors and have always read about the success of males. This program made me more determined and passionate about becoming more visible and present so younger female brokers can look up to me and think, ‘If she can do it, I can too’.

I grew up in a lower economic area in Frankston, Victoria, and I never had the confidence to speak my own opinion or even be involved in business conversations.

After speaking to these other inspiring women at the Doyenne program, I now feel that what I have to say and the expertise I have to share is important. I want to make sure that other women brokers feel as special as I did when I was in the Doyenne program.

MPA: Do you feel more confident speaking up now and how do you plan to apply what you learned?

AT: I just came back from the Choice Platinum Conference, which I have been a member of since I was 22 years old. I stood up this time and voiced my opinions.

I also got involved in conversations with men who I always thought ran more successful businesses than me. I spoke to people I wouldn’t have normally, and I felt a sense of appreciation because they were just as excited to speak to me. I am also going to become more active on LinkedIn and Twitter and I’ll try to be more present in the female broking space for younger brokers to look up to.