Building Social Capability

Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram plans. From absolute beginners to influencers, we support clients with compelling Twitter, Linkedin and Instagram strategies.

“Many employees want to engage in professional social media but they lack the confidence and don’t want to say the wrong thing. But with training, employees become great advocates, amplifying leaders and sharing news, stories and values of the company. In a social age it makes no sense not to have a social company.” Amanda Gome
Train executives, CEO, directors
on professional social media to meet their business goals with a focus on getting active and building influence on LinkedIn and twitter:
• Social Media Playbook
The opportunities and rules of the road for individual employees all in a short playbook that also acts as a governance tool.
• Train communicators
Train communications, corporate affairs and marketing teams in the new communications environment including helping them develop their own brand and amplify leaders and content.
• Social Champions Program
Identify and train social media champions to build capability and support a social organisation.
• Employee training
Train your employees to be professionally social at Lunch and Learn sessions so they know what to do and what not to do.
• Customer service training
Train customer service in social media including tone, what not to do and developing their own profile.