Notable Women Program

The Notable Women Program is specifically aimed at preparing professional women for top leadership roles through building stronger profiles and improving communication and social media skills.

People want to hear from women in the media and on social media, hear their opinions, read their insights, see them talking at events… they want notable women sharing their expertise and leading change.
The award-winning Notable Women Program is specifically aimed at preparing professional women for top leadership roles through building a strong profile and improving communication, presentation, media and social media skills.
Amanda Gome AM inspires and helps the female leaders to be visible, social and build a highly influential network to help their business goals. The course is highly tailored to each company to include their purpose, values and guidelines.
The program includes after pack of the session, individual executive positioning and strategy, individual profiles and summaries for LinkedIn, Influencer plan and assistance with getting active and building a social profile. The program can also include a workshop on Everyday Sexism: How to Lead and Respond. This helps women remain confident as their profile and influence grows and supports all leaders to counter every day sexism if they see it occur.
The program can include media training, training to camera, professional photos and conversation Q&A with high-profile speakers.
• Coaching
One-to-one executive coaching with professional women to build confidence in visibility and social media activity.
• Workshops
Training and workshops designed to fit the executives’ schedules and held at their location.