Pacific Islands

Sector: Financial Services

Client: Tessa Price, Regional Executive, Pacific Islands

Notable Service: Professionally Social Executive Training

“After I was appointed Regional Executive, Pacific Islands for ANZ, I was keen to boost my employee engagement scores in the Pacific, particularly with my female leaders.

I had done the Notable Women course with Amanda Gome when I was the CEO of UDC Finance in New Zealand with ANZ Bank and found it hugely beneficial especially for increasing communications and engagement with executives and employees across countries, cities and operations.

I had also seen the huge benefits once executives got social and wanted our people trained up.

I talked through what I needed and Amanda devised a highly-targeted program to get 40 female leaders to develop communications strategies and skills in the social world.

hey enjoyed Amanda’s passion and style and found the training fun and enlightening.

Also the women were so enthusiastic, they took the training back to their own countries and teams to encourage younger women to be visible and professionally social.

Probably one of the best things for me was that I could actively engage in real time with peers, employees and stakeholders and we could share our expertise, opinions and insights.

Amanda has been to Fiji several times to train Pacific Leaders and this has included men and women of ANZ and also key female leaders in the wider Pacific business community.

The Notable Media training with a focus on professional social media is the best training we have ever done, with communication and engagement scores of employees improving significantly.”